Colon Hydrotherapy Center
15049 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70819
Telephone: 225-939-6937
FAX: 225-272-7602
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Utopian Colon Hydrotherapy of Baton Rouge is the area's first colon hydrotherapy clinic to deploy state-of-the-art equipment, designed to effectively cleanse one of the body's most vital organs--the large intestine. Utopian Colon Hydrotherapy is owned and operated by Margie H. Ford, an I-Act certified colon hydrotherapy technician for 15 years.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a centuries-old aqueous cleansing technique. The sanative environment found at the Utopian facility involves the use of state-of-the-art colon cleansing equipment that was researched and developed exclusively to introduce waves of purified, temperature-controlled water into the lower bowel. The procedure is private, sterile, comfortable and odorless.



Colon hydrotherapy sessions are administered at Utopian Colon Hydrotherapy of Baton Rouge by appointment only. Ms. Ford or her assistant administers the sessions in the comfort of her center. You may contact her to schedule an appointment via:

Telephone: 225-939-6937

Postal & Physical Address

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15049 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70819

Electronic mail
General Information: Margie Ford